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Erlangen, Germany, April 19, 2021: Traversals Analytics and Intelligence, together with Erlanger Stadtwerke and Technische Hochschule Nürnberg, receives research funding. The research project, called Identification of Security-related Anomalies in Critical Infrastructures (German: ISAKI), is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (German: BMBF) as part of the Anwender-Innovativ II: Forschung für die zivile Sicherheit program and is also supported by the associated partners Polizei Mittelfranken and the
By means of a suitable demonstrator, ISAKI is to provide indications of security-relevant situations and anomalies caused by crime, terrorism or comparable threats in Critical Infrastructures and to support the initiation of suitable countermeasures. The project partner Erlanger Stadtwerke (ESTW) with its water supply division are users, a representative of all companies in the area of Critical Infrastructures for water, gas and electricity.
The goal is to be realized through the collection, fusion, analysis and classification of structured data, e.g. sensors, as well as unstructured data and information, e.g. documents, reports or governmental reports.
Traversals takes care of the platform for the fusion of structured data and unstructured data. The SaaS-based platform will be extended by further data sources and Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms during the project duration and continuously tested by all participating users.
Dr. Dirk Kolb, CEO of Traversals said: “Traversals is extremely proud to be awarded this research grant funded by the German BMBF. The fusion of publicly available information, governmental situation reports and proprietary sensor data is a challenging task. The research would not be possible without funding. Traversals is convinced that this research project will contribute to increased security for Critical Infrastructure.”
Though being a young company, the Traversals Analytics and Intelligence team combines more than 20 years of work in the information fusion field. Customers are organizations and companies in the private and public sectors.
Traversals is a young German company in the field of AI-supported data and information processing. Originating from the environment of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Traversals has succeeded in developing innovative, AI-based approaches for the technological support of information analysis. Under the aegis of a competent scientific advisory board, Traversals integrates the latest research results in the fields of Machine Learning, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing into its ongoing developments.
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